Inhalation with Proventil
Is it possible to relieve an acute asthma attack in 120 seconds? Proventil aerosol for inhalation, characterized by its rapid action, will help to stop such conditions.
Relief will come within the first 5 minutes of use. The effect will last for several hours, and the drug itself will completely leave the body after 72 hours.
Partial semiejection occurs already after 4-6 hours from the time of use.

Description of the drug
Bronchodilator with a tocolytic and bronchodilator effect. It belongs to the group of beta 2-adrenomimetics.
Relieves the symptoms of bronchospastic syndrome. Helps reduce the tone of the respiratory muscles during spasm. Prevents histamine from entering the extracellular space. Helps to take a full breath by increasing lung volume. Dilates the coronary arteries of the heart. Helps release sputum. Reduces potassium concentration, insulin production.
It comes in the form of:
- tablets of various forms;
- Inhalation powder;
- capsules;
- syrup;
- solution for injections;
- aerosol.
Pharmacies also sell Proventil inhalation solution. However, you will need a prescription to buy it.
Indications for use
The drug is prescribed for the following diseases and pathological conditions:
- pulmonary emphysema;
- bronchoobstructive syndrome;
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
- asthmatic bronchitis;
- bronchospasm;
- chronic bronchitis;
- premature labor.
According to the instructions, Proventil is also used during long-term maintenance therapy of bronchitis, as well as for preventive purposes during nighttime asthma attacks.
Proventil aerosol
A opaque white or nearly white liquid with a peculiar but not pungent odor. The drug is placed in an aluminum can of white-green or white color. The bottle is equipped with a dispensing valve and a nozzle. Pressing the valve leads to a metered spraying.
The list of active substances is represented by salbutamol. The list of additional components includes oleyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, propellant R 134a.
Instructions for use of Proventil for inhalation
The dosage depends directly on the age group of the patient.
If the patient has already turned 12 years old, and the drug is involved in the complex therapy of COPD or bronchial asthma, the recommended single dose is 100 mcg. It is allowed to resort to the remedy every 6 hours, and small children aged 2 to 6 years - no more than 3 times a day.

Proventil can be used to relieve a severe attack in a young patient. Dosage: 1-2 breath-inhalations. It is also suitable for the prevention of choking, spasms when encountering an allergen, exercise. It should be resorted to in advance. 10-15 minutes before the intended contact or physical activity. Dosage: 1-2 breaths-inhalations.
Optimal: 2 inhalations every 6 hours in the complex therapy of chronic respiratory diseases. One to two taps on the vial are sufficient to relieve an attack of suffocation.
The instructions for use for Proventil for inhalation states that the use of a new inhaler is possible only after a thorough check-up. The algorithm is simple.
Remove the cap, shake the bottle several times, turn it upside down. Spray 3-4 doses into the air. If during the experiment you find a stuck valve or other defect, do not use the drug.
The inhaler is defective.
Side effects and contraindications
Against the background of taking the drug, problems may arise from the cardiovascular, urogenital, immune, musculoskeletal and central nervous system. Pathological manifestations of different types on the skin are possible.
In the instructions for use of Proventil, the list of adverse effects from taking is divided into 3 groups according to the principle of frequency.
The first group
Phenomena that are observed more frequently than others:
- internal tremor of unexplained etymology;
- tremors of fingers, limbs (the upper part is more often involved);
- sleep disorders (drowsiness, insomnia, nightmares);
- high heart rate.
Important: In most of the recorded cases, the tremor was triggered by the pills, not the aerosol.
Less frequently, patients complain of the following manifestations and conditions:
- unreasonable irritability;
- migraines that are difficult to relieve with painkillers;
- nausea at different times of the day;
- dermatitis;
- persistent drowsiness;
- change in the perception of taste;
- distinct hyperemia;
- disorientation in space;
- decreased efficiency, decreased speed of thought processes;
- false gagging;
- stephen-Johnson syndrome;
- problems with concentration;
- hot flashes.
Group three
Rare side effects fall into this category. They often occur in people suffering from chronic diseases that are not directly related to the pulmonary system. The drug simply acts as a catalyst.
The following manifestations are possible:
- auditory, visual hallucinations;
- anxiety and panic;
- ventricular fibrillation;
- seizures;
- coughing;
- unmotivated aggression;
- angioedema;
- hypokalemia;
- schizophrenic-like personality disorder;
- allergic reactions of various types, but skin rashes are more common;
- urticaria;
- unstable mental state;
- mucosal irritation;
- decreased blood pressure;
- cardiac collapse;
- bronchial spasm;
- urinary retention;
- cardiovascular failure;
- hyperactivity, hyperexcitability;
- supraventricular tachycardia.
The severity of the effects of taking directly depends on the form of release. For example, Proventil aerosol has practically no negative effect on the adult body and is considered a safe remedy. Risks are minimal if you follow the instructions, follow the doctor's instructions.

When using the drug, you should also consider the age of the patient, his medical history. Hypersensitivity to the components significantly increases the likelihood of side effects.
With caution, Proventil should be used with the following ailments and pathological conditions:
- endocrine gland diseases;
- tachycardia of various types;
- hyperthyroidism;
- hypertension.
Children who have not yet reached the age of 2 years, as well as persons with individual intolerance to the components have a complete withdrawal.
Patients aged 2-12 years must be under the close attention of qualified medical personnel during the entire course of treatment with the indicated drug. Blood sampling, anamnesis collection and examination of young patients must be carried out systematically.
It is categorically forbidden to resort to the drug in the following ailments:
- glaucoma;
- renal insufficiency;
- myocarditis;
- heart defects;
- tachyarrhythmia;
- liver function insufficiency;
- aortic stenosis;
- diabetes mellitus;
- cardiac artery lumen obstruction;
- thyrotoxicosis.
In case of diagnosed epilepsy and pregnancy aggravated by history, therapy with Salbutomol is not carried out. The greatest harm will be caused to the fetus and its mother if the woman uses the drug at a late term and with the threat of miscarriage.
Intravenous use can cause:
- infection of the birth canal;
- premature detachment of the placenta;
- intrauterine death.
The effect of the drug on the body of a healthy woman who is pregnant has not been adequately studied. Clinical studies were conducted on female rodents. During the experiments, it was proved that the drug has a toxic effect on the fetus.
In single cases it has caused birth defects. If possible, you should refrain from using the drug during pregnancy. It is necessary to do so even if the pregnancy occurred without complications.
During the postpartum period and while breast-feeding the decision on the advisability of using the drug shall be made by the attending physician. At the same time, the risks to the baby and the consequences of refusal of treatment are compared. The properties of the active substances of the medication, their ability to penetrate and accumulate in breast milk are taken into account.
Special instructions
Medical personnel are obliged to:
- instruct the patient before the first use of the inhaled drug;
- inform the patient about the risks of not following the rules and regulations;
- make sure that the patient has practiced in front of a mirror;
- be personally present at the first application.
Persons using Proventil should be supervised by physicians at the beginning of therapy. This period, as well as the end of the course of treatment, is characterized by a high probability of side effects. Risks increase if the medication is abruptly withdrawn. Complications can also occur against the background of long-term use.
It is forbidden to independently adjust the dosage, reduce or increase the duration of the course and the intervals between uses. Such decisions have the right to take only the attending physician.
The doctor must be notified of any changes in the condition. The medication should not be discarded on the basis of an unpleasant taste or sensation in the mouth. To eliminate the phenomenon, the patient should rinse his throat.
If the problem is caused by a shortened duration of effect, a sudden worsening of asthma or general condition, do not take medications with a similar composition, as it may lead to an overdose. It is necessary to seek qualified medical assistance.
In severe attacks of suffocation, the interval between inhalations should not be shorter than 20 minutes. Ignoring the prescription will lead to the fact that each subsequent attack will be more difficult and acute than the previous one, and the medicine itself will bring relief only for a short period of time.
Questions of compatibility also require caution. The following points must be considered:
- Proventil inhaler reduces the effectiveness of nitrates, hypotensive agents;
- simultaneous use of this medication and anticholinergic drugs increases intraocular pressure;
- tricyclic antidepressants increase the effect of Proventil.
A similar mechanism of action is characterized by:
- Clenbuterol. Available in syrup and tablet form. It is indicated for bronchial asthma, chronic diseases of the pulmonary system. It can be used to treat small children. May cause nausea, urticaria, seizures. It is sold by prescription.
- Berotek. Available in the form of an inhalation solution, inhaled metered dose aerosol. It is indicated for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, bronchospasm, reversible airway constriction. Taken as a prophylactic in asthma of physical effort. May cause diseases of the cardiovascular, central nervous system. Other adverse effects: myalgia, weakness, a sharp drop in blood pressure, vomiting, coughing. It is contraindicated in chronic heart valve disease, heart defects, diabetes, glaucoma. It should not be used in children younger than 4 years of age.
- Onbrez Brizhaler. Comes in the form of capsules for inhalation. It also includes a breezehaler. It differs from its counterparts in the age threshold for patients. It is contraindicated for minors. Available by prescription. It cannot be used to stop bronchospasm.
- Foradil. White elongated capsules in blisters. They are fast-acting. The patient begins to feel well almost immediately after taking them. It gets better within the first 3 minutes. Another advantage: practically no negative effect on the cardiovascular system. It is possible to use the remedy for patients who are over 5 years old.
Structural analogues of Proventil:
- Saltos. Bronchodilator tablets of the prolonged type. Appointed for nocturnal attacks of suffocation, emphysema, bronchial asthma. Virtually no side effects, unpleasant manifestations occur only against the background of overdosing. It is indicated for adults and children over 6 years old.
- Ventolin. Aerosol, solution for inhalation, syrup and tablets. Acts for a shorter time, only 5 hours. It is prescribed for COPD, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma. It is not prescribed to underage patients, pregnant and lactating women.
Other medicines with a similar composition, the principle of action:
- Albuterol;
- Ventacol;
- Aloprol;
- Atimos;
- Salgim;
- Formoterol;
- Ecovent;
- Aerolin;
- Striverdi Respimat;
- Salamol.
Opinions about the drug
If you read the reviews on Proventil, you can conclude that the long list of side effects should not stop the therapy with this remedy.
The number of people in whom the reception of the medication provoked complications is not high enough.
The majority of users, on the contrary, noted a significant improvement in well-being without any negative manifestations from the cardiovascular or central nervous system.
People also often point out the affordability of the drug. This is especially evident if you compare it with foreign analogues. The cost of the medication varies in the range of 2-3 hundred rubles, depending on the region and packaging.
The drug is available in different forms, it is not difficult to choose the best solution for a particular patient. The dosage and multiplicity are quite easy to determine.
You just need to remember that Proventil for inhalation is used no more than 4 times, and the tablets - no more than 3 times a day. The list of contraindications and side effects is long, but complications occur only in a small group of individuals.
In general, the drug is quite convenient, relatively safe, and successfully used in complex therapy.
"Proventil" for inhalation: purpose, composition, instructions for use and contraindications
- 13 October, 2018
- Pulmonology
- Savelieva Victoria.
Consider the instructions for the solution for inhalation "Proventil".
The medicine is a medication from the category of 2-adrenomimetics.
It has a bronchodilator effect and is characterized by a rapid effect, which can be observed 1 to 3 minutes after application.
The maximum therapeutic effect is noted at the 20th minute and lasts for 4-5 hours. "Proventil" for inhalation is advisable to use only on the recommendation of a specialist.
Composition and product form
The main active component of this medicinal product is salbutamol phosphate, additional substances are ethanol and hydrofluoroalkan.
This pharmacological agent is available in several dosage forms:
- capsules with powder for inhalation;
- aerosol for inhalation.
Instructions for "Proventil" are considered below.
Aerosol is placed in special cans, each inhaler contains 200 doses.
The medication "Proventil" for inhalation has a pronounced bronchodilator effect. After the use of this medicinal product, a number of positive factors are observed:
- reduction of bronchial reactivity;
- normalization of bronchial functioning;
- reduction of resistance in the respiratory ducts;
- mucus production;
- expansion of the lumen of the coronary arteries of the myocardium;
- enhancement of sputum expectoration processes.
Unlike other drugs similar in mechanism of action, the drug "Proventil" for inhalation has no significant effect on the heart and is not able to reduce blood pressure.
Indications for administration
The list of main medical indications for the use of the considered pharmacological agent includes:
- pulmonary emphysema;
- asthmatic and chronic bronchitis;
- bronchial spasms in any varieties of bronchial asthma;
- premature birth, not accompanied by complications.
In some cases in pediatric practice, solutions of the drug are prescribed for therapy of bronchoobstructive syndrome. The annotation to the medication states that it is indicated for supportive long-term treatment for bronchitis, as well as for the occurrence of nocturnal asthma attacks.
Instructions for use for aerosol "Proventil" for inhalation
The dosage of this drug depends on the age of the patient and his diagnosed disease.
If the remedy is involved in the combined therapy of bronchial asthma in a child over 12 years of age, the recommended dosage is 100 mcg. Inhalations should be carried out every 6 hours. In children from 2 to 12 years of age, not more than three inhalations per day are allowed.
Doses of Proventil for inhalation must be strictly observed.
The medicine is also prescribed to relieve severe attacks of suffocation in children.
The recommended dose of inhalation "Proventil" to a child is 1-2 breaths of medicated aerosol.
Often the drug is prescribed for prophylactic purposes when there is a history of choking attacks, the probability of which increases with intense physical activity or due to encounters with allergens.
In this case, inhalation is recommended 10-15 minutes before the planned physical activity or contact. The dosage of the medicine remains the same (1-2 breaths).
What else do the instructions for use for Proventil aerosol for inhalation tell us?
The recommended dosage of the drug for adults in the treatment of respiratory system pathologies is 2 inhalations at intervals of 6 hours. To eliminate an attack of suffocation, it is enough to make two pressings on the bottle with the medicine.
To relieve attacks and exacerbations of bronchial asthma, inhalation with the drug via nebulizer is also prescribed.
Performing nebulizer inhalations
Before this therapeutic procedure of inhalation "Proventil" it is recommended to check the medical device for proper operation. This is done as follows:
- The cap should be removed from the device, and then check the output tube for dirt and dust;
- The can shake well and set in an upright position;
- The medication is placed in the nebulizer.
After checking the nebulizer functionality, the inhalation procedure begins:
- the patient takes a deep breath, tilts his or her head slightly, and clamps the outlet tube firmly in his or her mouth;
- while breathing in deeply and slowly, press the valve of the canister, thus releasing a dose of the medication;
- slowly take the tube out of your mouth, hold your breath for a few seconds and exhale through your nose.
If more than one dose of Proventil aerosol for inhalation has to be taken during a single inhalation session, all the above steps must be repeated, but only after a one-minute break. After completing the therapeutic actions the can is closed with a cap.
During the use of "Proventil" for nebulizer inhalation, to achieve maximum effect, it is very important to observe the following recommendations:
- The air should be inhaled slowly;
- Do not rush in the process of releasing the medication;
- Inhale the air as slowly and gradually;
- Before the treatment procedure it is recommended to practice in front of a mirror.
The duration of inhalation should not exceed 5 minutes. After this procedure, the medical device should be rinsed well, removing the remains of the drug solution.
Remember that the initial dose of Proventil for inhalation should not exceed 2 mg. If the patient's condition is severe, inhalation with this medicinal product may be carried out every 6 hours. In especially difficult cases, the use of the drug is possible every 60 minutes (for strict indications). The effect of the procedures is noted after about 10 minutes.000
Instructions for use of "Proventil" for inhalation does not end here.
Side effects
Taking this medicine may cause irregularities in heart and vascular function, as well as in the functioning of other organs and systems.
According to the frequency of occurrence, the side effects of the drug can be divided into three categories. The first of these can include:
- Tremors of the extremities (most often fingers);
- palpitations;
- internal trembling;
- insomnia.
The second group is expressed by the following pathological signs:
- migraine, not amenable to therapy with analgesic medication;
- change in taste perception;
- increased irritability;
- decreased ability to work;
- skin rashes;
- hyperemia;
- slowed thought processes;
- urge to vomit.
The third group includes symptoms that occur very rarely. This is often due to the presence of some chronic diseases that are not related to the respiratory organs. These symptoms include:
- cardiac collapse;
- severe coughing;
- unexplained anxiety and panic attacks;
- aggressiveness;
- angioedema;
- hallucinations;
- seizures;
- allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes;
- hyperactivity;
- urinary retention;
- supraventricular tachycardia;
- redness and irritation of mucous membranes.
The degree of complexity of the possible pathological symptoms depends on which dosage form of this drug the patient uses. Aerosol for inhalation dosed "Proventil" reduces the likelihood of negative effects on the body to a minimum. It is very important to follow the instructions with the rules of use and comply with the recommendations of a specialist.
The effect of the medical drug on the body may also depend on the age of the patient and his individual characteristics. In cases of high sensitivity to the components of the drug, it is necessary to immediately discontinue its use.
In the instructions for use for "Proventil" for inhalation, there is information about contraindications.
This pharmacological agent is used with caution in the following cases:
- hyperthyroidism;
- tachycardia;
- disorders of the functioning of endocrine gland structures;
- hypertension.
It is forbidden to prescribe the medication "Proventil" to people with individual intolerance, as well as in children less than two years of age. In addition, the medication is strictly prohibited in the following pathological conditions:
- hepatic insufficiency;
- diabetes mellitus;
- heart defects;
- glaucoma;
- thyrotoxicosis;
- kidney failure;
- myocarditis;
- cardiac artery lumen occlusion;
- tachyarrhythmia;
- epilepsy;
- aortic stenosis.
During pregnancy with a severe medical history, the drug "Proventil" is also not prescribed. The maximum harm of the drug can cause the baby in the last trimester of pregnancy.
Medical experts recommend to refrain from taking this pharmacological product even in cases where pregnancy proceeds normally, without the development of complications. This is due to the fact that the effect of the drug on the fetus has not been studied enough to date.
Instructions for use for inhalation solution "Proventil" confirms this.
During breastfeeding, the decision on the appropriateness of inhalation with this remedy is taken by the attending specialist, who compares the risk to the health of the child and the complications of refusal of the medicinal product. It should be remembered that the components of this drug tend to penetrate into the mother's milk and accumulate in it.
In children aged 2-12 years throughout the entire therapeutic course, patients must be under the supervision of medical personnel.
Special Recommendations
Negative effects of Proventil metered dose inhalation aerosol on driving have not been scientifically proven. However, it is recommended to refrain from such activities until the tolerability of the drug is determined.
If the patient feels a decrease in the effectiveness of the medication, but the frequency of inhalations and dosages and remain the same, the doctor should be consulted.
If paradoxical spasms develop, therapy with Proventil medication shall be immediately discontinued, and the resulting spasm shall be treated with another bronchodilator medication.
Subsequent therapeutic tactics is reviewed by a specialist.
The instructions for Proventil aerosol for inhalation are best studied in advance.
Signs of overdose
Overdose of the drug may cause uncontrolled bronchial spasm, which in rare cases may lead to death.
The greatest caution should be exercised by patients with bronchial asthma, especially in young children. The time interval between inhalations with the drug "Proventil" should not be less than six hours.
The interval between such treatments may be reduced only in severe cases after consultation with a physician.
The cost of this inhaler pharmacological agent in different pharmacies can vary between 130-150 rubles. It depends on the region.
Device type/drug class | Generic name | Brand/device name | Comments |
pMDIs (traditional) | |||
Beta2-adrenergic agonists | Albuterol | ProAir HFA; Proventil HFA; Ventolin HFA; Xopenex HFA | SABA |
Corticosteroids | Beclomethasone HFA | QVAR | Emits ultra-fine particles |
Ciclesonide | Alvesco | Emits ultra-fine particles | |
Flunisolide HFA | Aerospan | ||
Fluticasone propionate | Flovent HFA | ||
Mometasone furoate | Asmanex HFA | ||
Combinations | Budesonide/formoterol | Symbicort | corticosteroid/LABA |
Fluticasone propionate/salmeterol | Advair HFA | corticosteroid/LABA | |
Mometasone furoate/formoterol | Dulera | corticosteroid/LABA | |
BA-pMDIs | |||
Beta2-adrenergic agonists | None in the US | ||
Corticosteroids | None in the US | ||
DPIs | |||
Beta2-adrenergic agonists | Albuterol | ProAir RespiClick | SABA |
Formoterol | Foradil Aerolizer | LABA; low resistance DPI | |
Salmeterol | Serevent Diskus | LABA; medium resistance DPI | |
Corticosteroids | Budesonide | Pulmicort Flexhaler | |
Fluticasone propionate | Flovent Diskus | medium resistance DPI | |
Fluticasone furoate | Arnuity Ellipta | ||
Mometasone furoate | Asmanex Twisthaler | high resistance DPI | |
Combinations | Fluticasone furoate/vilanterol | Breo Ellipta | corticosteroid/LABA |
Fluticasone propionate/salmeterol | Advair Diskus | corticosteroid/LABA; medium resistance DPI | |
Abbreviations: BA-pMDI, breath-activated pMDI; DPI, dry powder inhaler; HFA, hydrofluoroalkane; LABA, long-acting beta,-agonist; pMDI, pressurized metered dose inhaler; SABA, short-acting beta,-agonist. |
The following medicines have identical therapeutic effect with the drug:
"Berotek" - a medication for inhalation, which stimulates β-2 adrenoreceptors, localized mainly in the respiratory organs. Fenoterol, which is in its composition, inhibits the release of inflammatory and allergy provocateurs, thus preventing the appearance of bronchial obstruction. The drug suppresses the development of bronchial spasm of bronchial origin, acting 5 minutes after inhalation. The maximum therapeutic effect is observed after 40-80 minutes and lasts for up to 6 hours. In addition to the respiratory organs, β-adrenoreceptors are located in the heart muscle. This means that "Berotek" also affects the activity of the cardiovascular system: increases the frequency and intensity of heart contractions, increases the properties of the peripheral circulation and total blood flow, increases mucociliary transport, inhibits contractile uterine activity, reduces the blood potassium content, disrupts carbohydrate and fat metabolism.
"Foradil" is a bronchodilator drug. Its active substance is formoterol - a selective agonist of beta2-adrenoreceptors of long-term effects. It has a bronchodilator effect, appearing both in irreversible and in reversible forms of airway obstruction. The therapeutic effect occurs approximately 1 to 3 minutes after inhalation of the drug. Doses of the active substance are able to have minimal effects on the heart and blood vessels, which is noted in especially rare cases. Formoterol inhibits the release of leukotrienes and histamine from mast cells. Its anti-inflammatory properties are manifested in its ability to prevent the occurrence of edema and accumulation of inflammatory mediators. It has also been found to be effective in using Foradil to prevent bronchospasm provoked by physical exertion, inhalation of cold air or allergens. In most patients with chronic lung disease, the long-term activity of the bronchodilator effect of the drug provides bronchospasm control when prescribing the drug for maintenance treatment 2 times a day. What else can I replace Proventil inhalation solution with?
"Onbrez Brizhaler" is a medication based on the active element indacaterol, which is a selective agonist of β2-adrenoreceptors of prolonged effect in a single use. Its action is associated with stimulation of adenylate cyclase, an intracellular enzyme that catalyzes conversion of ATP into cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate. The increase in cyclic AMP promotes relaxation of bronchial smooth muscles. Indacaterol is a complete β2-adrenoreceptor agonist. After inhalation, this drug has a rapid and prolonged bronchodilator effect, provides a persistent significant improvement of lung function throughout the day. Indacaterol also reduces static and dynamic hyperinflation (increase in lung volume) in patients with severe and moderate COPD. When using the pharmacological drug, a significant increase in respiratory capacity, reduction of dyspnea manifestations, normalization of exercise tolerance are noted. There is also a decrease in the likelihood of COPD exacerbations, a reduction in the need for short-acting (inhaled) β2-adrenoreceptor agonists, and an improvement in the quality of life of patients.
Reviews about the drug "Proventil" for inhalation are quite a lot, and almost all of them are positive.
Patients who have used this drug for inhalation, note that its effect is observed very quickly, breathing becomes freer, shortness of breath disappears and suffocation attacks against physical activity and in contact with allergenic substances become less frequent. Side effects in most cases were not observed, rarely patients noted the development of short-term dizziness.
We reviewed the instructions for Proventil for inhalation.
Proventil for inhalation: instructions for use of aerosol Nebulizer, cough solution recipe for adults
Proventil is a drug that is used to treat bronchial asthma, chronic lung diseases and some other diseases.
It belongs to the group of bronchodilators, since it is able to relieve spasm in the bronchi. When administered inhalation, the greatest and maximum speed of action is achieved, which is very important in coughing attacks, spasms.
Let's consider how salbutamol for inhalation is used in more detail.
Proventil has several dosage forms that can be used for inhalation: aerosol, powder, and inhalation solution
Proventil has several dosage forms that can be used for inhalation: solution, powder, and aerosol.
An aerosol is a metered-dose drug delivery device. One dose contains 0.1 mg of the active ingredient salbutamol.
It is used to relieve spasm in the bronchi, relieve attacks, as well as for the purpose of prevention. It is used to treat bronchopulmonary diseases in adults and children.
As prevention of these diseases, doctors recommend using Tonsilgon.
Using the powder for inhalations
The powder has a white crystalline form and a white color, and it has no odor. The powder can be used to treat diseases in adults and children. One dose of Proventil powder contains 0.2-0.4 mg of the active ingredient. The powder is available in disks.
Proventil solution for inhaler
Recipe for preparing the solution. Unlike the powder solution, this solution is already completely ready to use. One 1 ml of this solution contains 1.25 mg of the main component Proventil. The ready-to-use solution is available in 2 ml ampoules. One package contains 20 ampoules.
The dosage of the solution for inhalation is 2.5 mg. The frequency of use is 3 - 4 times a day. If necessary, the dosage can be increased to 5, and the frequency of administration remains the same. In the case of an allergic reaction to the components of the composition of this remedy, it is necessary to consult a doctor and use the drug Suprastin, information about which you will find here.
How to make an instruction / prescription nebulizer
Nebulizer is a device for getting an inhalation. Proventil in dosage form - powder and solution are used in conjunction with such a device. In this case, any nebulizer will do. Its scheme of action is that it transforms a solution or solution from a powder into an aerosol.
The solution should have a room temperature, as a cold one can provoke a coughing effect, and a hot one will burn.
Therefore, the only rule before using the solution in the nebulizer is to bring it to room temperature, no other additional preparation of the solution is required. Powder is another matter.
This is what you will need to prepare the solution from. To do this, it is worth following the instructions that come with the package to the dosage form. Usually the powder is dissolved with water or a special solution.
The nebulizer itself also needs to be prepared for use:
- All nozzles and removable pads should be washed in warm soapy water.
- You need to dry all parts well with a towel or wait for them to dry on their own.
- Nebulizer is ready to use.
After all the steps of preparation proceed to inhalation. Instructions for further action:
- We put the solution in a special dish in the nebulizer.
- Attach to it a mask for inhalation.
- Connect the nebulizer compressor through a tube with the solution in the special dish, the flask.
- Press the "on" button and start the inhalation.
- When the procedure is over you need to remove the remains of the solution and wash the nebulizer well.
Inhalation is carried out on the instructions of the attending physician and according to the specified dosage. It is recommended to perform the procedures at intervals of 4 - 6 hours during the first two days of treatment. This method of treatment will help to stabilize the clinical manifestations of the disease. The drug with inhalation method of administration begins to work 10 - 25 minutes after the procedure.
In severe pathologies, the interval between inhalations can be reduced, applying them every half hour or hour in order to eliminate the symptoms of disease manifestations and do not forget that there are other means which can be breathed through the nebulizer with cough.
The treatment is best carried out only on the basis of indications and advice from the doctor, self-treatment is not recommended, because you may get a negative effect.
How to use the aerosol
Aerosol is a kind of inhaler, and therefore requires special use. The instructions for its use are as follows:
- With the aerosol remove the protective nozzle - the cap.
- The device is shaken strongly and quickly with vertical movements.
- The cylinder is turned over so that the nozzle with the inhaler was at the bottom. The device should be held so that it is between your thumb, middle finger and index finger and your thumb is directly under the nozzle.
- To make sure that the device is working properly, you should do a couple of sprays just in the air.
- The aerosol is ready for use.
- Make a deep exhalation with maximum force, place the nozzle in your mouth so that it is between your teeth, and wrap your lips around it. It is not allowed to bite it.
- Start breathing in through your mouth and simultaneously press the top of the device to push out a dose of medicine. All this time it is required to inhale slowly and deeply.
- You hold your breath and remove the nozzle from your mouth. You continue to hold your breath as long as possible.
- To repeat the procedure, you should wait for half a minute, while the balloon should remain in an upright position.
- The inhalation is done, the aerosol is closed with the protective cap again.
If there is a break in treatment and the aerosol has not been used for several days, then before using it, you should also make a few sprays into nothing, to check the work of the device, and before using it, shake it well.
It is recommended to do all the steps slowly, inhaling should also be done slowly. In order to perform the whole procedure correctly before starting, you can practice in front of a mirror. Such methods of training can also be used before inhalations with chamomile.
If there is white plaque in the corners of the mouth when using the aerosol, this means that the procedure is not performed correctly.
You should clean the nozzle on the aerosol regularly - at least once a week - to prevent contaminants and germs from entering the respiratory tract. If the respiratory tract is inflamed, Rotokan will help to cope with this disease.
Cleaning of the nozzle is carried out as follows:
- The protective cap is removed from the nozzle, and the nozzle is removed from the cylinder.
- The nozzle and the cap are washed very well under running warm water.
- Dry both parts on both sides and put them back.
The can with aerosol must not be placed in water.
For effective treatment of the respiratory tract, experts also advise to use a complex of drugs Berodual and Lazolvan about which it is told in this material.
Proventil is an excellent remedy that helps with severe coughing, bronchial spasm, seizures and other symptoms of bronchial and lung diseases. Its use for inhalations allows you to achieve elimination of the clinical picture and achieve a positive effect of treatment on the first day of therapy.
However, it is required to strictly comply with the dosage and frequency of administration indicated by the doctor, since the medication has some contraindications and can have quite a wide range of adverse reactions. If it so happens that you do not have the opportunity to use Proventil, you can use eucalyptus to treat coughs.
By: Dr. Jai Jalaj